Cosmetic Facial Fillers

Cosmetic Facial Fillers

Serving the Greater Chicagoland Area and Western Suburbs


Cosmetic facial fillers

Cosmetic facial fillers are distinct from products like Botox, which relax the underlying facial muscles. Instead, fillers are injected underneath wrinkles and lines to fill the space and essentially fill out the skin to restore a plump, youthful appearance. Fillers are commonly injected in the lips, temples, and naso-labial folds, as well as in the temples, chin, and cheek area.

Some patients report pain or discomfort when receiving fillers, while others report no discomfort at all. Certain fillers contain a small amount of lidocaine, a common anesthetic, so the pain is minimized. Many patients do not need additional anesthetic prior to injection, however, a few of our patients prefer to be numbed prior to injection. We will be happy to discuss your options with you.

As with any injectable, the area in which the fillers are injected can be red, tender, and a bit swollen for a few days after treatment. Some patients may experience slight bruising and / or itching at or near the injection site. These after-effects are generally mild and resolve within a few days.

Fillers are not permanent and will last between 9 months to 1 year, depending on where it was administered and your body’s speed in processing it. The more an area moves, like your lips, the shorter any filler will last.

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